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Protecting Your Company Against Civil & Criminal Liability


This book contains details on little-known mathematical theorems used primarily in medicine and economics which may be a solution to the spiraling costs of complying with this federal legislation.

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Enhanced Finance Controls BlackLine_Tucker11.jpg
Therese Tucker
BlackLine Systems

BlackLine has been listed by Gartner as a ‘Best-of-Breed’ provider for Enhanced Finance Controls and Automation (EFCA) Software – a renamed category formerly called Close/Reconciliation Management by the global technology industry research leader.

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 > Rapid Data Extraction in the Field
 > You Can Own the Infrastructure of a Country
 > SIEM Solutions Don’t Reduce Security Incidents
 > PCI Guidance On Security Awareness Programs on the Mark
 > Internal Audit Case Study Competition
 > Stem the Onslaught of System Wide Attacks
 > Exploring Strong Investor Confidence in U.S. Stock Exchanges
 > Digital Forensics Takes The Next Step
 > Intellinx Launches Healthcare Solution
 > Now Is the Time for Secure DNS
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 > Are You Still Auditing in Excel?
 > Rights Structure as a Living Entity
 > Whistleblower to Receive Over $17 Million
 > Worn on the Sleeve
 > How CIOs Can Drive Innovation
 > Elon Musk Makes Right Decision Over Tesla Patents
 > Five Steps to Fighting Fraud with Professional Skepticism
 > Confusion Continues over Conflict Minerals Reporting Obligations
 > How to Leverage Brand Intelligence for Fraud Management
 > SEC Conflict Minerals Rule Conjures Up Controversy
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The Unpaid Summer Intern that Could Cost You Millions
Christopher Zannetos
President and CEO

Courion recommends now that Labor Day has come and gone, companies take a close look at a common access risk factor that may be leaving them vulnerable to a data breach: abandoned accounts.

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  People in the News
Dolinar to Chair AICPA Committee
Jim Dolinar
Managing Partner, Assurance Professional Practice
Crowe Horwath
The American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) has named Jim Dolinar, CPA chairman of the Financial Reporting Executive Committee (FinREC).

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The need to track the actions of users inside a company has greatly increased the amount of data that entities must collect to ensure a complete view of all activity.

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Jim Pflaging
President and CEO
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Scalable E-Discovery Through The Cloud

ZL Technologies, the leader in archiving, records management, and e-discovery software for large enterprises, has expanded its flagship product Unified Archive (UA) as a software-as-a-service solution (SaaS) through a close partnership with SunGard Availability Services.

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  Success Story
HyTrust Fills Gaps in Virtualization


When Hudson Group found that their virtualization platform could not fulfill key PCI requirements, it chose HyTrust to provide the controls and audit trail needed to demonstrate compliance.

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